Automotive Website SEO Software

We use a bunch of automotive website SEO software every day. Some of these specialized applications help us track the progress of our own websites and our client’s sites as well. We also use additional car content writing software to make sure the content we produce is both grammatically correct and search engine friendly. Screenshot Screenshot

Although the search engines don’t come right out and tell you, the individual ranking factors, we know that getting the on page stuff correct remains important. Not only does the content on your website need to be unique, informative and technically correct, it should also be easy to read and grammatically correct.

Since your friendly neighborhood car content writer is more of a mechanic than a journalist we deploy some really useful automotive website SEO software that helps us produce a superior product in all categories. In this article we’re going to share some of these resources. We want our clients to track the progress of their websites as we improve and add content to them. Since we pride ourselves on results, it’s important that our customers have the ability to see the progress for themselves.

Car Website SEO Friendly Browser

Firefox Web Browser
Firefox Web Browser

Many times when I go to a repair shop to pitch our different services, I find that the shop is using the out-of-the-box web browser supplied by Microsoft or Apple. When it comes to a universal open-source browser the people at Firefox have put together a nice product.

A couple of times a year they ask for a few dollars in optional donations, but other than that, this is a completely free solution auto repair shops can take advantage of. The open-source side of the browser allows for additional functionality through the use of plug-ins.

When we use automotive website SEO software plug-ins we can track traffic stats, back links and about 10 other important automotive website data points. We’ll get more into our favorite plug-in that we consider an essential tool for the auto repair shop owner in the next section. However, in order to wield the power of this free plug-in you need to go over to the Firefox website and install this browser on your personal or shop computer.

Automotive Website SEO Software

SEO Tool for your Browser
SEO Tool for your Browser

As we mentioned in the last section the Firefox browser allows us to install useful plug-ins. These help us track the progress of our own websites. It also gives us insight into the competition. In other words, we can go to the website that currently outranks us and see why.

With this information we set goals to achieve that can push us ahead of them. Since I’m not a big fan of overloading the browser with plug-ins I use a single Swiss Army knife style SEO software plug-in. The product is from a company called SEO Quake. They have a free version that provides enough information for the casual user. Since we use the product extensively we have decided to support the professional version.

When it comes to automotive website SEO software no one product is completely accurate. However, what becomes more important than accuracy is consistency. Although it might not show every single back link, as long as it is consistent, we can improve upon this metric. You can configure this plug-in so that it conveniently displays the information automatically on every website you visit. In addition, you can click on the more information button to release a drop-down menu of more information than you’ll ever need to know.

Car Content Writer Essential Software

AP StyleGuard for Word
AP StyleGuard for Word

When we write an article for you we want to make sure that the article is grammatically correct and provides unique technically correct information at the same time. The car content writer spent more time learning about and fixing automobiles than studying proper English. So we need a little help in the editing department.

In fact, after writing each individual article we run it through a couple of resources that checks spelling and grammar. However, before we do that we use Microsoft Word to craft the article using an Associated Press plug-in. The AP style guard plug-in assures we’re using approved guidelines for the carefully crafted content.

Let me give you an example of how the AP style guard plug-in keeps us on track. For some reason the accepted way to spell the word Internet used a capital I for decades. In 2017 the Associated Press decided that this wasn’t necessary anymore. Now the preferred spelling of internet uses the lowercase version. Nevertheless, Microsoft Word and a lot of other software programs haven’t adjusted to the new rule yet.

Automotive Content Editing Software

The Hemingway Content Editor
The Hemingway Content Editor

After writing an article using the Associated Press software we take this article and run it through additional resources. One of these remains an Internet application called Hemingway. We all know that Ernest Hemingway could write some easy to read content. And easy to read becomes an important factor for both ranking and readers.

The Hemingway application highlights hard to read sentences, passive voice and a few other metrics. These issues turn an automotive article into a difficult to read piece of content. Unfortunately, the search engines don’t come right out and tell you what they’re looking for. However, it’s widely believed  if you target an eighth grade reading level you’ll benefit from it.

In addition to the Hemingway application, we also run our articles through a service called Paper Rater. They tuned this product, especially for English grammar teachers. It’s often used by these teachers to apply grades to students writing assignments. A drop-down menu allows you to pick the grade level of the author and then applies recommendations and best practices to improve the content.

Your friendly neighborhood car content writer uses his own automotive social networks and all of this software to deliver a superior product to your company. We combine technically correct content with Associated Press guidelines and easy to read best practices. This way, you receive an article that’s appreciated by readers and respected by the search engines.
